Warrior Care

Supporting Those Who Serve


Non-Medical Case Management

Outreach Support for Career Transition

Call and Resource Center Operations

Resource Identification and Paring

KSA Integration provides comprehensive support for recovering service members, veterans, and their families focusing on transition, health and wellness, employment, and connections to relevant resources.

As our flagship effort in this service offering, KSA Integration leads a team providing the Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Call Center with 24/7/365 contact and outreach capabilities to support 30,000+ Wounded, Ill, and Injured Marines and their families. Resources for recovering service members include resource identification, advocacy, referral, information distribution, and care coordination services.

The KSA Integration team also provides personalized and tailored assistance to the Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment on a wide variety of issues, including service disability ratings, integrated disability evaluation system support, medical care coordination, Veterans Affairs (VA), employment, education, benefits/entitlements, and benevolent organizations.

On an average month, KSA Integration’s Wounded Warrior Call Center team accomplishes:

• 6000+ monthly outreach calls
• 12,000+ cases reviewed and properly classified
• 90%+ staff fill rate
• Nationwide face to face support capability

To learn more about how KSA Integration’s Warrior Care portfolio can support your organization, please contact Eric O’Harra: eric.oharra@ksaintegration.com

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