Data Analytics

Improving Outcomes Through Data

KSA Integration delivers value in our Data Analytics service offering by fusing qualitative expertise with quatitative techniques and technologies to enhance the organizational capabilities of decision support and process improvement for our clients. By linking our data analysts with operational experts, KSA Integration ensures that outcomes are practical, useable and scalable. We inspect, clean, transform, and model data with the goal of discovering useful information, informing conclusions, and supporting decisions.

KSA Integration currently supports the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Under Secretary for Science and Technology (S&T) with policy and strategic analysis for the Migrant Models Integration (MMI) project. These support the System of Systems Operational Analytics (SoSOA), a DHS program tasked with developing a virtual environment for collaborative operational analyses across the homeland security enterprise. Our team also provides DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) support for implementation, customization, and ongoing maintenance of the Rapid Requirements and Data Delivery Environment (R2D2E) Platform.

Additionally, the KSA Integration Data Analytics team supports analyses and assessments involving development, integration, implementation and/or fielding of required new and existing DHS capabilities. Our team has supported the DHS Headquarters Office and multiple major components, including Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), US Secret Service, Transportation Safety Administration (TSA), and the Office of Operations and Requirements Analysis (ORA) in a wide range of strategic studies and reports.

In 2020 and 2021, KSA supported the Marine Corps Deputy Commandant for Information, Office of the Director of Intelligence, to research and write a groundbreaking study on the capabilities and limitations of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Marine Corps operational decision support. Our team also provided technical writing services supporting the Minotaur system prototype integration into a program of record. A correlation and geo-registration application, Minotaur uses platform sensors and AI algorithms to detect, classify, and display targets of interest in an integrated display using high fidelity maps and advanced monitoring capabilities.

To learn more about how KSA Integration’s Warrior Care portfolio can support your organization, please contact Dave Danelo:


Data Visualization

Dashboard Development

Decision Support Analytics

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